For This Intervention:

For this intervention, the idea is not to completely change one's perspective of a sorority girl, but rather for one to become aware of what the images of "sorority girls" are in the media. This theme of the pink-wearing, fake boobed, gold digging, attractive, ditzy, slutty sorority girl makes all women look bad, it is debatably one of the worst images of women in the media. The image of the "sorority girl" has moved beyond portrayals of members of made-up sororities in movies. Now the idea of a “sorority girl” in the media can be thought of as any girl who is pink-wearing, fake-boobed, attractive, gold digging, ditzy and slutty, which is currently quite a popular image in media. This creates a situation in which people may assume a woman who displays any of these characteristics to be the “sorority girl” type. For example, if an attractive woman wearing a pink suit walks into a business meeting, some may assume that she is also slutty and dumb and not worth taking business advice from, when in reality this woman may be a genius who enjoys wearing the color pink. So this image of the “sorority girl” in the media creates a problem for all women, forcing them to don themselves in drab attire and act about as lively as a seventy-five year old nun to gain any respect from others in society, especially respect from men in a business setting. The image of a “sorority girl” in media concurrently creates a problem for men as well, by setting up a certain set of associations of and expectations for women.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Burger King Commercial

Take a look at this commercial promoting the Western Whopper for Burger King. Although the commercial is quite humorous, it still opens up some questions about the portrayal of women, in this case sorority women. After the girl on the couch takes a bite of the Whopper, her sorority sisters begin to scream. Then we, as the viewer, need to ask ourselves why they are screaming. Are they screaming because this thin perfect woman has just taken a bite out of the burger? Then she grows a mustache which ruins her face? Or are they screaming because she is a "fake blonde"? From there more questions arise as to why is this girl dying her hair a different color than it's natural and it opens the thought about what women are doing in order to keep their appearance up to scale and fit in. Not eating burger king? Dying their hair?



Famulous said...

I don't even get this ad! Does eating a Whopper turn you into a cowperson? Does it make you grow facial hair? Does it reveal your true haircolor? They're right! This would be worth screaming about! The media really went out on a limb with this one! I thought a Whopper was supposed to be a food item!

Willy said...

i think that the commercial is supposed to be saying that eating this burger makes you a manly man like a cowboy. I dont think that it is supposed to mean that this burger will show your true hair color, or instantly make you grow a full moustashe. I think that they are playing up the bleach blonde sorrority girl image o make their ad funnier. I dont believe that the makers of the ad seriously believe that this is how all sorrority girls act. They are just using an established stereo type to make their ad funny.(nobody knows who created the stereo type, but it is established none the less)